Charlie Cobra Reviews was created on February 2019 and it has been going for 2 years strong. Hopefully we can continue to provide you with reviews and entertaining articles as well as upcoming news and things like that and continue to grow. On this page you can find out the latest on what projects we got in the works and what we're up to.

More Youtube Videos Coming Soon
I'm going to be working on making more YouTube content, such as video game reviews and maybe video reviews for movies that have come out in theaters as well.
updated on 5/27/2019

I'm going to be working on making more YouTube content, such as video game reviews and maybe video reviews for movies that have come out in theaters as well.
updated on 5/27/2019

Streaming on Twitch, Facebook, and Youtube
I plan on starting to stream live gaming from these platforms in the upcoming month. Right now I'm trying to decide on what game(s), what time of the day, and on which days and platform(s) to stream from right now as well as to get the right equipment like webcam and mic. If you'd like to help you can donate funds as little as $1 to my ko-fi page . Link is below
updated on 5/27/2019
Chatting With Charlie
Hey everybody. I just wanted to say thanks and welcome to my little corner of the web. I've been seeing a couple of new followers on Twitch and some new subscribers on Youtube which is really cool. I know I haven't done any reviews for a while so I thought I would kind of just write this incase people wanted to know why or what's up.
I started this website and its partner social media accounts when I had left my last job. In a way to keep busy but also because movies and games and stuff are a big passion of mine. I wanted to talk with people about them. I think it really helped me out during this pandemic too.
Recently (in September) I actually got a job again. So, I've been really struggling with trying to find a way to find balance with all the stuff I like to do outside of work. I've been exercising and eating right, trying to lose weight and get in shape. So, I've been trying to stick with that. I've also been trying to stick with streaming on Twitch daily even if it's only for an hour or less during my lunch break. I do stream longer for a couple hours on the weekend though. When I didn't have a job, I didn't really have money to go to the movies and see new releases when they came out which used to suck. Now I have the money and have been making it a point to go (once a week almost even) but haven't been sticking with writing the reviews or making a YouTube video for them. Or keeping up on posting content on all the different social media accounts for my brand either.
So I promise to make it a point to sit down and get things done these next coming days/weeks because I really don't want this project of mine to go away. I want it to continue to grow into something awesome.
-Charlie Cobra 11/15/2021