(CCR Original Content) The Dead Don't Die Review [Spoiler Free Review & Spoiler Review below picture]
The Dead Don't Die is a 2019 horror/comedy movie written and directed by Jim Jarmusch and the film included producers Carter Logan and Joshua Astrachan. It was produced by Kill The Head and distributed by Focus Features. The movie had a surprisingly long list of actors including some that had small cameos or lessened roles; starring actors included Bill Murray, Adam Driver, Chloe Sevigny, Tilda Swinton, Danny Glover, Steve Buscemi, Tom Waits, Iggy Pop, Sara Driver, RZA, and Caleb Landry Jones.
From irregular periods of daylight to animals behaving oddly, strange events begin to occur in the small and uneventful town of Centerville. News reports begin to tell that something called polar fracking has caused the earth to spin off its axis and now corpses are beginning to leave their graves and attack townspeople. The citizens of Centerville are in a fight for their survival as the local police force struggle with coming up with a plan to deal with the situation.
This movie was kind of a let down and nothing as advertised. From the trailer it looked like it was going to be decently funny and had an all-star cast of actors who would be coming out. The pacing was one thing that threw me off big time. It took forever for something to happen in this movie. The humor was also a little off with some of the jokes landing flat or not at all. Adam Driver's character and Bill Murray had some chemistry but their characters were too plain and not interesting enough. The plot was pretty horrible too with not much moving the story in any kind of direction. Everytime something happens where it seems the characters are going to go do something nothing ever happens. It's probably not until close to the very end of the movie does anything remarkable happen and it was just a twist that didn't make any sense. I was greatly disappointed in this movie and can't say that enough. I give it 4/10 and hate to say this about any movie but if you have a chance to see it, you might want to check a different out instead. Of course I'm one of those people that if somebody would have told me this, I still would of gave it a shot just so I could give my own opinion. But really can't recommend this movie for anyone looking for a good zombie movie. If you are looking for a comedy well then maybe but it sure as hell is no Sean Of The Dead.
Spoiler Review Section:
I was greatly disappointed in this movie. I thought it was a little funny in the beginning with Adam Driver's character breaking the fourth wall and talking about the theme song for the movie but a lot of the humor was kind or dry and fell flat for me. Bill Murray's character was too serious and Chloe Sevigny's too emotional but they were good in contrast to each other and I guess the police force in general were ok. What threw me off too was that it took so long for anything to happen. The pacing was off in this movie and nothing really happened for a long time. I was hoping that it was setting something up and that it would pay off but I can't say that it did in a successful way. The first scene with the zombies at the dinner attacking the workers there was pretty good and I thought it was funny with the whole "coffee" thing sure. But too many characters and scenes were wasted. I thought the Selena Gomez's car group were wasted and could have been utilized better and would have made the movie/story more interesting. The same with Danny Glover and Caleb Landy Jones who try their best to survive but are overtaken by zombies because the cops don't have the balls to leave their car to even check on them. Even Tom Waits character Hermit Bob was wasted because he never really does anything except hide in the woods and look at people through binoculars. I don't know i really don't, I mean I see such wasted potential in a movie having so many good actors. Makes me wonder what they think about the film if any of them have seen it. The only character I really liked was Tilda Swinton as the creepy mortician/undertaker and how she kicked ass with that samurai sword. Another thing that bothered me was when the zombies got their heads cut off or shot there was just this weaird black ash or sand that came out and no blood or anything. It was kind of a cool effect at first but then it was never explained or anything so it started bothering the crap out of me. There were a couple of other parts that were funny for me and one or two scenes of action but I have to say this was a below normal zombie comedy movie. Nothing like Zombieland. I give The Dead Don't Die a 4/10.