(CCR Original Content) Ravenous Review [Spoiler Free Review and Spoiler Review below picture] (6/10)
Ravenous is a 2017 Canadian/French horror film called Les Affames that was written and directed by Robin Aubert and produced by Stephani Morrissette. It was produced by Le Maison de Prod and distributed by Les Films Seville and Netflix. The film stars actors Marc-Andre Grondin, Monia Chokri, Bridgitte Poupart, Luc Proulx and Charlotte St-Martin.
Bonin (Marc-Andre Grondin) and his friend Vezina patrol the rural regions of Quebec with shotguns in the aftermath of a zombie-like outbreak. Another survivor Celine (Bridgitte Poupart) drives alone and kills the infected as she finds them with her machete. She is caught trying to steal gas from a property belonging to two elderly women who let her stay after they check her for bites. The lives of these people will intersect as the fight for survival against the zombies who begin to exhibit strange behavior such as stacking objects and the harsh wilderness environment and dwindling resources.
This movie was better than I thought it was going to be. I was a little skeptical on if I was going to like it or not because of the way it started with some off humor but the zombies were pretty well done and I liked their behavior and how they people reacted to them. The main character Bonin was interesting and the actor Marc-Andre did an amazing job, really most the actors did really good performances and a stand out was Bridgitte Poupart who showed a woman who became really adjusted to the zombie apocalypse. The plot could have been better and I couldn't see how the characters were going to come together but eventually they did. I was a little disappointed in how they didn't really explain better how the people that did seem like they knew each other really knew each other though. The thing that got me tripping out on was how the zombies started acting weird and making these pyramids or alters of objects in random places and stacking things very high up in the air and congregating around them. Of course this got me disappointed when it didn't really explain that either. Mainly it was a good story of survivors and how they grow close to each other even if they don't know each other that well and the movie did that well. I say this movie was a 6/10, because it was better than the average zombie movie but lacking in some ways that could have been better.
Spoiler Section Review:
This movie was pretty good for a foreign zombie film. The zombies were well done and the blood and special effects were good too. For me the real thing that kept me interested was how they tried to change up the zombies by giving them this new and unique behavior where they started taking objects and stacking them up high in some kind of weird ritual. To me though this never fully pays off as it is never explained why or what they were doing. The movie did do well in its scenes where it built the tension and actually kept things scary, which some zombie films fail to do. I also liked the way they kept the theme on survival and they were constantly running for their lives or looking for a place to hunker down and stay safe. The zombie kills were pretty gruesome and they didn't shy away from the blood and gore when it came to blowing a zombie's head clean off with a shotgun or showing someone's bite wound continue to bleed as they slowly die. Still this movie suffered from their not being a more solid plot or story tying the people together and although some know each other, they never really say how. To me this movie was better than the average zombie movie but just barely. I give it 6/10.