Whataburger will probably always be my favorite burger place in Texas. The burgers there are just great. So there are a couple of go to burgers that hit the spot, that I always order when I go there but this time I decided to try something new. The "Pico de Gallo" burger caught my eye and I said, "Sure, why not?". The "Pico de Gallo" burger comes with two all beef patties, two slices of pepper jack cheese, some bomb ass pico de gallo and creamy cilantro lime sauce. Pico de gallo for those that don't know is a mixture of chopped onions, tomatoes, and jalapenos. Sometimes people put avocado. I usually like pico de gallo with lime and tortilla chips. Sometimes people make it super hot and unbearable and that's cause I'm pretty weak when it comes to super spicy stuff. The most I can tolerate is jalapenos and even then, sometimes they win.

Pepper Jack Cheese, yum!
Pico de Gallo, was good, not too spicy.
Creamy cilantro lime sauce was great.
Limited time, won't be there for long.
Consistency, have only gotten it once, so don't know if it might be spicier next time or the same. Time will tell.
Rating: 8/10

So I was a little apprehensive about trying this burger out. I'm so glad I did though because the flavor was awesome and it wasn't that spicy. The pico de gallo they put on it does have jalapeno on it but it was a good mix where the spiciness didn't ruin the combination of the other flavors like the pepper jack cheese and the cilantro lime sauce. The cilantro lime sauce really brought it all together. I totally forgot to take a picture of my burger because you know nothing looks like the commercials or advertisements. But when I order it again, which I will, I'll definitely take a picture and update this post. Anyways I give this burger a 8/10. And recommend it to anyone that wants a burger with some kick the next time they go to Whataburger.
Update: I went to Whataburger yesterday 9/24/21 and remembered to take pictures this time, lol.