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While Original In Concept, Fails On Delivery for 3/4 Of The Movie (4/10)

Writer: Carlos RodriguezCarlos Rodriguez

(CCR Original Content) It Stains The Sand Red Review [Spoiler Free Review & Spoiler Review below picture] (4/10)

It Stains The Sand Red is a 2016 horror movie directed by Colin Minihan and written by Minihan and Stuart Ortiz. Producers who worked on this film include Brandon Christensen, Bic Tran, Colin Minihan and Stuart Ortiz and the movie was distributed by Dark Sky Films. The film stars actors Brittany Allen, Merwin Mondesier and Juan Reidinger.

With plans to catch a plane ride out of the country after the zombie apocalypse hit Las Vegas, Molly (Brittany Allen) and Nick (Merwin Mondesier) are on their way to meet some friends at a remote airfield. Getting the car stuck in the sand isn't their only problem as they have now gotten the attention of a lone zombie (Juan Reidinger). After it manages to kill Nick, Molly is left alone in the desert to contend with the slow-moving but persistent zombie which never tires of pursuing her.

This movie was not what it was hyped up to be. i was wondering from the beginning how they were going to make a zombie movie about one lone zombie interesting and I give them props for trying but i did not like a majority of this movie. I hated the main character Molly at first. To me she was really annoying and the movie made it easy to dislike her. She seemed like your average party girl. Her character grew on me though as through the movie and her character development she began to show depth and dimensions to her character as she goes through many ordeals trying to survive. For me personally though this movie never really got scary for it being a horror movie. And I don't think it could be with the majority of it only having on zombie. For me it's not really a numbers game when it comes to zombie horror but overwhelming odds do lend to set the tone and atmosphere of it being the end of the world and sense of hoeplessness for the characters. Still this movie wasn't horrible for what it was but to me it only got good at the very end of the film like the last 30 minutes. I give this movie a 4/10 because though it has elements of a good film and is a decent zombie movie for being an "indie" film, it's a below average zombie movie that doesn't deliver on a lot of the zombie film necessities.


Spoiler Review Section:

This movie was a real let down for how it was hyped up by critics and movie reviewers. I mean I don't know why I let myself get excited when the premise is that the main character is dealing with one lone zombie. The main character Molly was also a character that I initially saw as annoying and hard to empathize with so it made most of the movie hard to watch. The special effects or movie makeup for the zombie wasn't that well done either for it being one zombie so that also stopped me from being fully immersed in the movie. There were times where I hated this character for being so stupid and never making good decisions or right choices in her survival. For being in the desert she drinks her water way too fast and never thinks about rationing it, she almost gets bit while stopping to do cocaine, she almost gets bit for going back for a bottle of vodka, and she ultimately gets bit for wanting to keep the zombie with her after she grows attached to it. Still as the movie went on and as the character Molly dealt with her ordeals one after the other, I couldn't help but want to root for her survfival. To me really the film only got better at the end when she gets to the airfield. As the movie had been going she spoke to the zombie and we learned more about her which made it easier to understand her motivations and that she had a child that she abandoned to be raised by her sister. Now that she has been through some things she wants to survive and get to this child so she can protect him. And that's when her attitude changes and she's not going to let anything stop her. To me though it was too little too late and the way the movie ended was a big disapointment as well. Just when it was getting good. I have to give this movie a 4/10. While there were parts that were good and some decent zombie scenes at the end the majority of the movie was a bore as the character monologues to a singular zombie the whole time and eventualyy tames/domesticates it taking away the fear that it's ever going to eat her. Way below average zombie movie.


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