(CCR Original Content) Loki Episode Review - [Spoiler Free Review and Spoiler Section below picture] (8/10)
Loki: is a 2021 Marvel tv series created by Michael Waldron and directed by Kate Herron. It's produced by Marvel Studios with executive producers Kevin Feige, Louis D'Esposito Victoria Alonso, Stephen Broussard, Tom Hiddleston, Kate Herron and Michael Waldron and distributed by Disney Platform Distribution. The series stars Tom Hiddleston, Owen Wilson and Gugu Mbatha-Raw.
During the events of episode 2, Loki theorizes that the variant is hiding near apocalyptic events throughout time so their actions don't affect the timeline. He joins the TVA on a mission to 2050 Alabama where they are ambushed by the Variant who is revealed to be a female version of Loki. The Variant escapes with Loki close behind but not before activating the stolen reset charges and sending them to various points in the timeline.
This episode felt like it wasn't as good as the second one to me honestly but after thinking about it, it was actually was pretty good. It also felt really short to me but I guess that's what happens when you get real into a show and the time just passes by so fast. So my predictions of what happened with the reset charges were wrong and so was my prediction of where they wind up. Loki and the Variant wind up at the TVA and she is looking to cause all kinds of hell. There are some pretty cool action sequences and fight scenes in this episode so it definitely doesn't disappoint there. It appears like if the Variant is better at fighting than Loki, that or she has more experience or training. The majority of the episode doesn't stay at that location and we find out why the episode is called Lamentis. I can't really say more for a non-spoiler review but this episode had some really good laughs as well as more insight into the Variant's powers and how they differ from "our" Loki's. They also went all out in the visuals for this episode and CGI and special effects and this episode really felt like they could have made the show into a Loki movie. There was also a reveal in this episode that could have major repercussions in the next episode and the series but we'll have to wait until the next episode to find out. Anyways I give this episode a 7/10 and Loki (the show) hasn't disappointed me yet. I can't wait to see the next episode.
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Spoiler Section Review:
So as I said this episode didn't feel as good as the second one to me at first but looking back it was just as good if not just slightly better than the second episode. So first off I was both right and wrong with my prediction in they would either go with somewhere familiar from the MCU or somewhere completely different and it looks like they did both with this episode. First they wind up back at the TVA. I like how right away it started with action having the Loki Variant initiating her assault on the TVA where she showed herself as a very capable combatant. Then Loki not far behind catches up to her and they have a little tussle as well. Backup arrives for the TVA agents in the form of Renslayer and a couple of additional hunters and that's when Loki grabs the TemPad from the Variant teleporting them both away. This is when the episode starts getting really interesting because they arrived on a moon called Lamentis-1. Lamentis being the name of the episode to me meant that
was going to be important or at least have some sort of significance. I think it's mainly because of the majority of the episode taking place there. We really don't learn more about the Variant other than her preferring to be called Sylvie and not "a Loki". As much as Loki warms up to her and tries to find out more, even when he offers up more insight into himself the most we learn is a little more about how her enchanting powers work. There's some good "odd couple" team work from them here and there which leads to some good laughs along the way and some good action scenes where they are fighting some type of soldier or police force that are in charge on Lamentis. At first they were looking for a way to charge the TemPad because it was low on power and then after getting thrown off a train they need to find an alternative way off planet because the TemPad gets destroyed. I have to say again that the special effects and CGI were really awesome in this episode and I wish they could have been able to explore more of Lamentis-1 because it looked really cool and Cyberpunk-like when they were in the city. Even the train with the rich entitled people on it was very interesting and we didn't get to see much of that either. I've been seeing a pattern of big reveals at the end of the every episode of Loki so far and this episode didn't let us down. We learn that all the TVA's workers are variants and not created by the Timekeepers like Mobius told Loki. I'm not sure what this means but like Loki in the episode interprets it, it could mean two things. One he was lied to, or two nobody knows. Either way it seems like this is going to have big repercussions down the line or some kind of dire consequences of Loki finding this out, The episode ended rather abruptly in my opinion and entirely way to soon when the Ark spaceship that Loki and Sylvie were heading to getting destroyed leaving them stranded on Lamentis-1 fated to be destroyed with no survivors. This episode was pretty good but I'm kind of disappointed at the same time that we learned less to nothing about Sylvie and the events of her timeline, or her motivations for fighting the TVA. I think she said something about her mother and longtime ago, like either her mother died a long time ago or maybe because how in the TVA time passes differently she's been around a lot longer than we've been led to believe. As far as my predictions go for the next episode I really don't have much to go off of because of how it ended. I mean I can predict that they will get off Lamentis-1 somehow possibly because of Agent Mobius and I have a feeling that Loki is going to get in a lot of trouble for taking off on him but other than that I got nothing. Anyways this episode gets a 8/10 for me and I can't wait until the next one.